Swedenborg Library

Bryn Athyn College's Swedenborg Library exterior and the Brickman bean

Swedenborg Library

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Located in the heart of the Bryn Athyn College campus, the Swedenborg Library is home to over 109,000 books, periodicals, and special collection items. The Library consists of 35,000 square feet of floor space on three floors that houses our collections, and provides space for individual and group study, in addition to several meeting or classroom spaces. A number of public computers are located on the main floor. Our dedicated and knowledgeable  staff serves the needs of the College and other organizations in Bryn Athyn, as well as members of the Bryn Athyn community. The Library is also a foundation of  New Church research. It houses the world’s largest collection of Swedenborg’s works, among other rare collections. 

You may request assistance by emailing Swedenborg.library@vonlangesearchgroup.com or by calling 267-502-2524. You can also reach us through the chat feature found in the lower right corner of this webpage.

We are happy to find ways to meet your library and information needs-please just ask us!

The library is currently open to the public. For more information and regular updates regarding COVID-19, please visit the Bryn Athyn College COVID-19 Update page.

Regular Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday CLOSED

PA Forward LogoSwedenborg Library is participating in the PA Forward Star Library Program as part of the Pennsylvania Library Association’s 21st Century Literacies Initiative.

The Star Library recognition offers support to libraries who integrate the literacies in their programming activities while also working to enhance staff training and support libraries in their efforts to provide patrons and students with opportunities for growth through five key literacies – Basic, Information, Civic & Social, Health and Financial. This program will assist staff in positively impacting the quality of our student’s college experience and lives.


Carol Traveny

Carol Traveny
Director of the Swedenborg Library
Front Desk: 267-502-2524

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